2025 Native Plant Sale
We are located in the Alexander/Bryant area, just north of Highway I-30. Our address will be provided upon order confirmation. The ordering system will be set up soon.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium |
Columbine | Aquilegia canadensis |
Common Milkweed | Asclepias syriaca |
Butterfly Weed | Asclepias tuberosa |
Whorled Milkweed | Asclepias verticillata |
Ground Plum | Astragalus crassicarpus |
White Indigo | Baptisia alba |
Dwarf Blue Indigo | Baptisia australis var. minor |
Swamp Marigold | Bidens aristosa |
Bush’s Poppy Mallow | Callirhoe bushii |
Southern Wild Hyacinth | Camassia angusta |
Tall Bellflower | Campanulastrum americanum |
Indian Paintbrush | Castilleja coccinea |
River Oats | Chasmanthium latifolium |
Longleaf Woodoats | Chasmanthium sessiliflorum |
Mistflower | Conoclinium coelestinum |
Lance-leaf Coreopsis | Coreopsis lanceolata |
White Prairie Clover | Dalea candida |
Purple Prairie Clover | Dalea purpurea |
Illinois Bundle Flower | Desmanthus illinoensis |
Panicled Ticktrefoil | Desmodium paniculatum |
Pale Purple Coneflower | Echinacea pallida |
Purple Coneflower | Echinacea purpurea |
Tennessee Coneflower | Echinacea tennesseensis |
Southeastern Wildrye | Elymus glabriflorus |
Rattlesnake Master | Eryngium yuccifolium |
Grass-leaved Prairie Aster | Eurybia hemispherica |
Southern Sneezeweed | Helenium flexuosum |
Ashy Sunflower | Helianthus mollis |
Rose Mallow | Hibiscus laevis |
Hairy Rose Mallow | Hibiscus lasiocarpos |
Southern Blue Flag | Iris virginica var. shrevei |
Button Blazing Star | Liatris aspera |
Prairie Blazing Star | Liatris pycnostachya |
Michigan Lily | Lilium michiganense |
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia cardinalis |
Downy Lobelia | Lobelia puberula |
Great Blue Lobelia | Lobelia siphilitica |
Wild Bergamot | Monarda fistulosa |
Common Evening Primrose | Oenothera biennis |
Switch Grass | Panicum virgatum |
Wild Quinine | Parthenium integrifolium |
Small-Flower Fame Flower | Phemeranthus parviflorus |
Obedient Plant | Physostegia virginiana |
Solomon’s Seal | Polygonatum biflorum |
Eastern Shooting Star | Primula meadia |
Narrowleaf Mountainmint | Pycnanthemum tenuifolium |
Grey-Headed Coneflower | Ratibida pinnata |
Black-Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta |
Great Coneflower | Rudbeckia maxima |
Brown-Eyed Susan | Rudbeckia triloba |
Giant Blue Sage | Salvia azurea |
Maryland Senna | Senna marilandica |
Royal Catchfly | Silene regia |
Fire Pink | Silene virginica |
Compass Plant | Silphium laciniatum |
Bearsfoot | Smallanthus uvedalia |
Old Field Goldenrod | Solidago nemoralis |
Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod | Solidago rugosa |
Manyray Aster | Symphyotrichum anomalum |
Yellow Pimpernel | Taenidia integerrima |
Ohio Spiderwort | Tradescantia ohiensis |
Purpletop | Tridens flavus |
Longspike Tridens | Tridens strictus |
Yellow Crownbeard | Verbesina helianthoides |
Smooth Yellow Violet | Viola eriocarpa |
Bird’s Foot Violet | Viola pedata |
Golden Alexanders | Zizia aurea |